

312 Uppsatser om Screen dor transparency - Sida 1 av 21

Subjektiva upplevelser i split-screen

Split-screen innebär att filmduken är uppdelad i flera delar. Uppsatsen behandlarfilmer där subjektiva upplevelser beskrivs med hjälp av split-screen. Det är ett berättande utifrån en karaktär. En subjektiv upplevelse kan vara en dröm, en hallinucation, ett minne, eller förnimmelse. Split-screen har funnits sen filmens begynnelse och haft sina glansdagar på bland annat 1910-talet och 1970-talet.

Simulering av filtrerade skärmfärger

This report present a working model for simulation of what happens to colors displayed on screens when they are observed through optical filters. The results of the model can be used to visually, on one screen, simulate another screen with an applied optical filter. The model can also produce CIE color difference values for the simulated screen colors. The model is data driven and requires spectral measurements for at least the screen to be simulated and the physical filters that will be used. The model is divided into three separate modules or steps where each of the modules can be easily replaced by alternative implementations or solutions.

Research and development for expanding usability of a
multi-touch device

As new ways of using computers are constantly being developed, other ways of interacting are made possible. One of the most desired types of interaction with computers is a touch-screen where the user can actually organize everything simply by using the fingertips. The purpose of this project is to enhance an existing framework with an application that works with a touch-screen device. The application is to be used as a tool for presentational usage. The result is an application where the user by simple means can use a touch-screen to hold a professional presentation.

Äldre och textinmatning En studie om mobiltelefoner ? traditionella, äldreanpassade och ?touch screen?

Mobiltelefoner tar en allt större plats i vårt samhälle och får många fleranvändningsområden, många av dessa beroende av textinmatning. Det är viktigt attalla har möjlighet att nyttja dessa funktioner, men de äldre glöms ibland bort. Detfinns försök till äldremobiltelefoner men de är ofta överdrivet förenklade och/ellerotillräckligt anpassade för deras behov. Den växande ?touch screen?-tekniken ger nyamöjligheter till hur man designar en mobiltelefon.

Webbgra?nssnitt pa? pekska?rmsdatorer : En anva?ndarstudie av webbplatser pa? Ipad

Nowadays, the establishment of new touch screen technology has changed significantly the way we navigate on the Internet. The requirement to design websites that adapt to various artifacts such as touch screen computers are increasingly a need to consider. The purpose of this study is to discover - What are the specific usability requirements should be addressed in designing of websites for touch screen computers? - In order to examine the essay?s question, it presents a study where five people visiting three different websites on the touch screen computer Ipad. The study was conducted using a participant and structured interview observation in form of a think-aloud method.

Transparens i en deferred pipeline :

Deferred shading är en renderingsteknik som har blivit allt mer populär i och med att hårdvaraukraven för tekniken inte längre är ett hinder. Ett problem med deferred shading är fortfarande hur transparenta objekt ska hanteras. Rapporten utvärderar två olika deferred pipelines som hanterar transparent geometri på olika sätt, de två renderingsmetoderna är Inferred Lighting samt Light Pre Pass med framåtrendering för hantering av transparent geometri..

Välj, kontrollera och dela: : en sekundär skärmupplevelse

Detta examensarbete har varit att ta fram ett koncept för ett second-screenlager till företaget Headwebs filmuthyrningstjänst. Denna rapport visar på hur tre second-screenfunktioner kan appliceras i en video on demand-tjänst. De tre funktionerna som applicerades var att som användare via sin second-screen välja på vilken enhet man vill se sin film, kontrollera filmens playbackkontroller och välja ut små filmklipp från filmen och dela dessa på sociala medier.Resultatet blev ett lo-fi-prototyp som visar hur de tre funktionerna kan appliceras på Headwebs iPadtjänst och listar för- och nackdelar med de olika konceptet..

Betydelsen av ett moderbolags insyn och kontroll över sitt dotterbolag vid prissättning av koncerninterna lån

Transfer pricing including internal loans have increased in recent years, making it easier for companies to minimize their taxable income. After the Swedish court case Diligentia, there have been discussions regarding the influence of a parent company's transparency and control of the subsidiary with regards to the interest rates on internal loans. In court cases that followed Diligentia, the Swedish Tax Agency argued that a parent company always could be assumed to have sufficient transparency and control of the operations in the subsidiary, and therefore reduce the risk on their debt obligations. This thesis seeks to analyze the effects of the transparency and control a parent company has with regards to interest rates on internal loans. The analysis is conducted by analyzing court cases similar to Diligentia.

En rankings efterskalv : Om Transparency International och svensk korruption

What impact and effects are created by the placement of an international ranking? Could it be that a top rank is detrimental to an entire country's efforts to fight corruption?This bachelor thesis in political science is about Swedish corruption. In essence, so questioning the Transparency International's indexed rankings that placed Sweden in third place. Issues concern since if the third placement has created nonchalance and a careless mentality in Swedish government and in particular in the municipal operations. Research results show that Transparency International's rankings have low validity and low reliability and that the government is not acting sufficiently to prevent and fight corruption.

Second screen - För Tv-serier

Today it is not unusual to use a secondary screen to accompany a primary screen. The possibility to integrate these two in the form of an application for the secondary screen have long been possible but have not been developed to full potential. This thesis aims to study the use of the extra information and functions this type of application would make possible and how this type of application could be used.For this study a prototype-application including a real time newsfeed and a static menu for a specific episode of a Tv-series was created based on the information collected in an online survey. The application was tested on a number of people who got to evaluate the experience in short interviews and were given the possibility to recommend changes in the application.The result after the study showed the people where torn about what kind of information would best fit the application but showed over all that a dynamic newsfeed with information continuously updated with the episode where most appreciated. The problem with the difference in interest around the categories would be solved first and foremost by the application being configurable so that every single user has the possibility to choose which kind of information to be updated in the newsfeed.

Basenhetskoncept för projektordukar

Our thesis is conducted in collaboration with Draper Europe AB in Halmstad.The goal of the project has been to construct a baseline concept for the instaling of aprojector screen. Draper Europe AB, in the curent situation, have several kinds of fabrics and designs on their sceens and the cases they are in. Today if you select a screen you can´t chose the design and function of the sceens case.The arrangement of the components inside the cases was to be constructed so the assembler simply could move them to different cases. To make it even easier for the assembler and to save time, the desire of less component was mentioned. Another problem that needed to be solved was the mounting of the projectionscreen at the customer place.

Integrering av belysning i ytterdörr

Our thesis is conducted in collaboration with Draper Europe AB in Halmstad.The goal of the project has been to construct a baseline concept for the instaling of aprojector screen. Draper Europe AB, in the curent situation, have several kinds of fabrics and designs on their sceens and the cases they are in. Today if you select a screen you can´t chose the design and function of the sceens case.The arrangement of the components inside the cases was to be constructed so the assembler simply could move them to different cases. To make it even easier for the assembler and to save time, the desire of less component was mentioned. Another problem that needed to be solved was the mounting of the projectionscreen at the customer place.

Transparens inom PR-verksamhet : En studie om PR-företagens förhållanden till öppenhet

AbstractTitle: Transparency within Public Relations ? A study about PR-companies understanding of opennessPages: 71Authors: Olof EhrsTutor: Virginia MeliánCourse: Media and Communication Studies, Bachelor Degree.Period: Autumn 2011.University: The Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, JMK,at Stockholm University.Background and aim: The PR-industry is continuing to grow in Sweden. The increase of working consultancies has made it more difficult to define what PR-activities really are in Sweden today. This exam reviews the presence and lack of transparency within the PR labour. The aim of the essay is to inspect the PR-companies relation to transparency and non-transparency.

Application development for touch-screen interfaces

The way we interact with computers will soon change dramatically. The input interfaces are becoming more and more intuitive and one of the latest technologies is a touch screen interface capable of dealing with multiple inputs simultaneously. The tools we use to communicate with the computer - such as the mouse and the keyboard, will slowly disappear and be replaced with tools more comfortable and more natural for the human being to use. The purpose of this project was to create a basic framework for future projects dealing with this interface, as well as creating some example programs. This report describes my work and my experiences with this new interface..

Tidssynkronisering av information i second-screenapplikationer

I denna uppsats undersöker vi hur tre olika tidpunkter för visning av information på en secondscreen uppfattas av personer. Målet med undersökningen är att få en inblick i hur tittare upplever information som visas på en second-screen. Vi hoppas att resultatet ska kunna bidra till utformingen av kommande second-screenapplikationer. Dessutom har vi undersökt om tidpunkten av när information visas påverkar minnet av det personer ser på second-screenen. Vi utförde tester på totalt 18 personer med hjälp av tre stycken prototyper och varje testperson blev intervjuad efteråt..

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